Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Footwear Guide for Stylish Women

Stylish women not only wear impeccable clothes, but have a great overall look from head to toe. They've got the right hairstyle, clothes, accessories, and, of course, shoes. Looking fantastic right down to your feet means that you don't miss out on any detail when it comes to style and grooming. It may be quite challenging to select the perfect pair of shoes to wear every time you go out. You shouldn't just think of the season, the trend, and the occasion. You also have to think about your comfort. So here are some tips on how to find the right flats, pumps, sandals, and boots when shopping.

Flats are on your must-haves in your closet. You can wear this versatile pear any season. Depending on the color and details of your flats, you can wear them to make a chic daytime outfit or a comfy but trendy nighttime wear. You can choose from the ballerina, the really pointed one, or the pair that has tassels or metal accents. There are even those made of metallic fabric or with colored jewels that can make your shirt and jeans look really hot even at night.

Another staple in a woman's wardrobe should be black pumps. Heels make everyone's legs and posture better-looking and can be worn with almost any outfit. They're perfect for the office and for cocktail parties. You shouldn't wear heels all the time, though. Always have a pair of flats with you. Keep them in your office, purse, or car, so you can change into them when your feet are tired from your pumps.

Sandals also make your legs look better. But you should save them for wearing during the warmer periods of the year. They really look fabulous when worn with a maxi dress or a flowing skirt. And remember that stylish women always keep their feet and toes clean, particularly when showing them off in sandals. If you're wearing nail polish, make sure that it doesn't have any cracks.

Boots aren't limited anymore for wearing in winter. You can wear shorter ones, like ankle boots, at any time of the year, as long as you're comfortable with them. Boots can be worn with shorts, jeans, leggings, or skirts of any length. However, when wearing ankle boots with your skirt, you should wear opaque tights.

Knowing these basic tips about footwear fashion can make a big difference in your shopping and in your whole wardrobe. These will also help you decide on what shoe to wear with what outfit everyday.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tips for Happy Living - Managing Your Morning and Evening Routines

As a working mom it is very important that you set up routines for yourself and your household. Routines allow you to know what's going on at that particular moment so that you will not forget anything. Routines prepare you for the next day and help you move faster and more coherently than flying around looking for this and that item.

At one point my morning routine consisted of me waking up (late, cause I'm always trying to get more sleep). Rushing to take a shower, trying to figure out what I'm going to where, make breakfast (ha!! yeah right), making sure my husband is up so he can take the little one to school. Lastly, I'm racing out the house to catch the bus so that I can make it to work on time. Does any of this sound remotely familiar? I even bet the rest of your day you are unfocused, handling a million task at once trying to get it all done so you can get off from work to race home to pick up your children from daycare, come up with something to eat (preferably something that takes 30 minutes or less), watch your favorite shows, help kids with homework, go to bed so you can lay there thinking about all that you did not accomplish for the day (and tomorrow). To be honest this is a waste of time and there is a better way to manage your morning and evening routine.

3 Steps to Manage Your Routines Better

  1. The first step is to think about what are the things you do every single morning and every single evening. For example, in my wild routine every morning I wake up late (keep hitting that snooze button) so I now have to rush to get ready so that I can catch my bus. I never know what I'm going to where, so that put me behind as well. These things will never change.
  2. The second step is to figure out what will help make those steps easier. If I knew what I was wearing to work that morning that would decrease the time it takes for me to get ready in the morning significantly. I can spend about 10 - 20 minutes trying to figure out what I'm going to where. But if I already know, then it only takes 10 minutes to put the clothes on.
  3. The third step is to take action. What I started to do was think about my outfit for tomorrow the night before. Actually this starts at the beginning of the week. On Sunday I get a vague idea of what I will where for the week so that I can think about my outfit the night before.

These are 3 simple steps to help you manage your evening and morning routines better. But keep in mind one thing, Flexibility. It's important that you don't get too attached to your routine that if change happens to occur it ruins your entire routine. A perfect example of this is instead of my husband taking my little one to school, I must do it because his schedule has changed. So I have to adjust my routine to allow for the time to get my little one ready as well so we both aren't running around crazy.

Having a more relaxed routine can help you tremendously. The major reward is seeing how much time you can actually skim off of your morning and evening so you can do more with family, friends, and yourself.

Do you have routines? Do you manage them well? Share with us below.

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1 Little Fruit That Is the Secret to Curing Your PMS

For many women, PMS can strike like a thunder bolt in your sleep. It disrupts your life and viciously continues its wrath of fury for countless generations in women's families. In addition, for some generations of women in families, cysts and fibroids are a continuing curse.

These issues have plagued millions of women probably since the dawn of time and continue its fury while many suffer feeling hopelessness. I realized through my experimentation that the types of food that are eaten at least a few days before and during your expected cycle makes a significant difference in how you feel during this time.

The types of foods also apparently makes a vast difference in how you look as well because many women experience acne breakouts on the chin during menstruation time. According to the Old Chinese Western Medicine Principle, acne on the chin signifies that there are reproductive (hormonal) issues at bay in the body.

Well, there is good and great news. Which one do you want first? The good news is that there is an all-natural substance, in the form of a fruit, that will alleviate PMS symptoms like bloating, nausea, and cramps. The great news is that this food is dirt cheap and with continual incorporation into your diet, will reduce your chance of developing fibroids or cysts.

This amazing food is dried apricots! You can find them in many stores, but it is important to use only the unsulphured version that does not have additional sugar added. Natural health food stores will carry these types or you may contact your favorite supermarket manager and request he or she bring in unsulphured dried apricots with no sugar added. Be sure to only eat 1 serving of it as it is sugary and calorie dense but it has a wealth of vitamins that will help ease PMS pain.

After eating the serving of apricots, be sure to drink at least a glass of lukewarm water behind it to dilute some of the sugar and hydrate yourself. Water is a PMS-ing girls best friend. It is a good idea to eat a serving of dried apricots starting at least 3 days before your expected menstrual cycle and the first two days while you are on it. Remember to drink a lot of water during the days before and during the first two days on your cycle to reduce bloating and help the apricots absorb better into the body.

What about fresh apricots? These are nice fruits to add into your diet, but it is preferable to have apricots dried in this specific situation because they are more concentrated in nutrients than fresh apricots by the serving size. Generally speaking, you do not want to eat mostly dried fruits because they are very dense in calories and sugar with little hydration factor that fresh fruit offers. Fresh is best, but in this case dried will be better.

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